Friday, April 2, 2004

Halu.. I need a Lingual Specialist to translate the meening between "Sangap"

and "Suck". Both word are from different


But I do believe they brought a different meaning."Sangap"

as what I understan, means something that is boring. Its just a word that

people use to potrays something that is boring.Thats all.Not more than that!.

While "Suck" means .... well if you try

to find it in a common dictionary, it will probably just means to suck something

:P. Well thats what they have in dictionary. the "Suck"

that people/ or straight to the point what I meant here means something

that is really really bad. or easy to say it is considers

as BAD WORD.. so bad that it is not translated

in dictionary ( ni yg aku cakap yg maksud buruk je tade lam dictionary. yg maksud

hisap ade je lam dictionary)

The reason with all the nonsense blablabla babble was that I had a stupid fight

with a SO CALLED friend. I did mention the word "Sangap"

to describe the place he lives. But that was just as a gesture of joking. I

repeat JOKING.It was then quickly followed by an appology as I was saying I

said that it was just a matter of joking. I admit that it was very "unwise"

of me to use those words to a person that I know would burst into emotional

Yeah right!! SENTIMENT? ahahaha i didn't even use the word "Suck"

to describe the place. But then he claimed that i was being rude to

used such terms to describe the place he lives. BULLSHIT I say.. Learn to differentiate

between "Sangap" and "Suck".

Then only you can burst into anger.

MInd the language. Sorry I don;t usually use those kind of words. I'm not saying

I don't use those words. but I can clearly count how many times I used those

kind of word . ok..back to the stories bla bla bla...

This so called person as expected burst into anger. Well I do admit that I

did say the word "Sangap" and I do asked

forgiveness for the mistake that I made. But this so called person just rain

me with harsh words and refused to accept the appology. Fine with me I guess

but no need all the mumble jumble Harsh words. Maki2 seme..

To be honest, he didn't even know that his ANGER MANAGEMENT problem had always

been the reasons that some people are talking behind him. Nice parade.Join the


Tak salah kalo nk ngamuk.. nk emosi.. but please come with solid reasons. Aku

admit I did the wrong. But aku jugak admit yg org ituh mmg ade masalah emotional

disorder. Fine. ko ngamuk aa tara mana pon..Serik aku ade kawan cenggituh..!!

I tried to be a good friend once. Good friend here mean no kutuk2 belakang..

but then i guess I'm not fit to do that to that exact person.Now I know what

people has been talkong about all along..

"Sebelum soh org cermin diri kat cermin.. Kite kene cermin diri kite jugak!!..

Cermin tuh can come in many ways.. Kawan2 pon leh jadi cermin..Kalo kawan2 tak

cakap ape, kite jgn pasan kite PERFECT.. Pikir2.. Renung2!!"

~ I'm only human.. I do make mistake. And I admit it..

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