Sunday, November 17, 2013

What I achieved in 157 days ....

I've been "drafting" loads of things I wanna write in the blog as an effort to "relive" the blog again... and since I have loads to update actually.. but then again, I am very good in "visualizing" the idea but not implementing it.. teeheehee..

But today I feel like writing... cos I've been eager to write a very long post in FB.. so rather than looooonggggg status, might as well I 'pour' it all here... :D ..

I've started my weight lost journey seriously 157 days ago.. When I 1st weighed at the gym with the help of my PT, I was officially declared almost 100% obese in the level of obesity ... I can't recall the percentage as I forgot to take the picture of the TANITA slip . In simple understanding, I was almost double my ideal weight.. So u can imagine how DEAD Heavy I was... But nearly 2 months after I started the journey, on the 1st of August, my "Degree of Obesity" was still 92.4% .. shocking right?? :-o .. At that point of time, I lost 10kg of my fat ..

So yesterday, after 156 days working out and improving my eating habit(s) , I weighed myself and my "Degree of Obesity" has reduced to 64.6% :) ... Yippiee... Yes I am still obese, but I am still on the journey to lose more and more fats .. I've lost almost 25kg of fat (with 1kg plus out of it was "Fat Free Mass" ... my precious muscles :( ) .. but most of the mass lost was fat and I am totally satisfied .. :)..

It was not that easy to "burn" all the fat.. It is a result of hours of sweating in the gym and daily calorie counting ... But luckily I "met" (not literally of course :p)  with Kevin Zahri and his concept of balanced diet. Though I did not entirely follow all the calculations (as I later found myfitnesspal ) , but I followed his concept of eating all in balance and moderation. So I do not have to skip avoid rice or any other carb(s) but I just have to learn how much I can eat in a single serving .. Due to this, my weight lost journey has never been a stressful journey :) ..(or at least not stressed due to unable to eat this and that) ..

Along the way, there will always be "someone" who will make statement(s) such as "Eh, bukan U diet ke?" , right when u are eating ur "once a week" cheat food like Nasi Lemak or Brownies .. These people just don't understand the meaning of Balance "Diet" and yet simply want to use it .. So Next time, I'm keeping the definition of diet .. so that next time we can have a quick "education" chat :p .. So if u know me, please make sure u do not make such statement whether jokingly or seriously ... :p .. I eat basically everything, just that now we are learning to choose which is good and which is bad . But once a week, I will always have a cheat day where I eat what my heart desire .. hihih .. But i think i do not specifically limit a whole day for "cheating" except during hari raya .. ehehe.. The rest of the days, If i suddenly crave for Ice Cream, I sometimes will get myself an ice cream.. But I learn to choose the one with lesser calorie .. (hihih)... As my PT once said : Do not make eating like emotion .. ( i forgot his exact wording though), but i think he meant, not to go to the extreme of not eating .. and yes, I eat if I feel like eating, but now I know how much i need to burn at the gym if I over eat.

So for now (for this entry) , if people ask me how do I lose weight?

My answers are simple :

1. Balanced Diet Everyday .. Limit a fistful of carb each serving, make sure you have protein and Vitamins as well :).
2. Count your calories and Log every single food you eat DILIGENTLY!! If you fail to do this, then it is hard for you to know what went wrong..why you are not losing weight and all .
3. Workout whenever u can. But workouts can never out"do" your food. Workouts won't work if you fuel your body with bad fuel.
4. Read more ... :)

Just for my motivation , these photos should show what I've achieved so far :

March 2013

April 2013

September 2013

4th October 2013

28th October 2013
29th October 2013

1st November 2013

11th November 2013

Hope I remain diligent and motivated until I can reach my target weight :) .. By the way, who ever reading this before January 2014, I would really appreciate if you guys can vote for me in order for me to be in the running to win few personal training sessions ... Click HERE to VOTE.. TQ so much in advance .


linda said...

gambare sahab! xxx

Unknown said...

baru nampak komen sahab.. ahaha.. TQ :D